Vendors & Subscriptions
Current list of Vendors & Subscription Content Available

AAAS - Science Magazine
Access where you can read award-winning journalism, original scientific research, expert commentary, our yearly Breakthrough of the Year issue, and more.
BioOne Complete
BioOne Complete is a database of more than 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences.
EBSCO Host Collections
Pathways to Research in Sustainability
Sustainability Reference Center
Non profit Organizations Reference Center
Environment Complete
Academic Search Complete
Business Source Complete
EBSCO Discovery Service
EBSCO Search Discovery Service is an all-inclusive search solution that makes in-depth resarch easy.
Ecological Society of America Journals
Ecological Applications
Ecological Monographs
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Elsevier ScienceDirect Collections
Agriculture and Biological Services
Economics, Econometrics and Finance
Environmental Science
*Discounted Fees for prepaid one-off article purchases
Collections in subscription are determined by member.
Open Athens
Remote access made simple, through a single sign-on approach.

Springer Nature
Springer Collections (Special Journal Collections and eBooks)
Biomedical & Life Sciences​
Business & Management
Earth & Environmental Science
Economics & Finance
Nature.com Magazine
Nature.com Complete (Nature Suite of journals)
LibGuides is an easy-to-use content management system deployed at thousands of libraries worldwide. Librarians use it to curate knowledge and share information, organize class and subject specific resources, and to create and manage websites.
A custom collection curated specifically for IELC members.
*Discounted fees for prepaid one-off article purchases.
NOTE: Each member pays an administrative fee that includes the website fees and domain registration.